Place an open card blank on a scoreboard and score from the left at 1/2",1 1/4", 2", 3 1/2", 5", and 7 1/2". Fold them all in mountain folds except the 1 ¼” and the 5” which are valley folds. Use Extra Sticky Tape to attach the 1/2" section to the inside of the 7 1/2" section. When folded flat for mailing the 2" fold will keep this area flat when opened keeping the steps in the necessary position to stay upright.
Use the printed cardstock with the flowers and dragonfly on it. Mat 6”x1 1/8” floral on teal glitter cardstock with 1/8” borders. Glue to the front area. Repeat with 6”x2” floral on teal glitter and glue o the inside flap.
Remove the pink foiled frame from the Be Happy dragonfly/floral topper. Glue the large frame to the teal glitter cardstock and cut along the frame. Foam tape the center image to the middle. Glue this assembled piece to the center of the inside step. Foam tape "Birthday Wishes" and Zot™️ a 2" wide bow over it as shown.
Foam tape the "Amazing You" and "There are so Many..." Toppers to the bottom step. Zot™️
1 1/2" wide bow to the Topper on the right as shown. Place Diamond Sparkles as shown.