Tape the Swirls stencil over one corner of the canvas board, then follow the E-Brush instructions to spray with a pink Spectrum Noir pen, then move the stencil to each corner and repeat.
Tape the Swirls stencil centered on 6 ½”x6 ½” white w/large black dot paper and spray with pink, concentrating on the corners. Remove the stencil, then place the large fern stencil as shown, masking off the other open areas. Spray with yellow, then turquoise, to get a nice green fern. Remove the stencil, mat on pink dot paper with a 1/16” border, then on black w/large white dot paper with a 1/8” border and use ultra tape to place on the board center.
Tape the Swirls stencil centered on 6 ½”x6 ½” white w/large black dot paper and spray with pink, concentrating on the corners. Remove the stencil, then place the large fern stencil as shown, masking off the other open areas. Spray with yellow, then turquoise, to get a nice green fern. Remove the stencil, mat on pink dot paper with a 1/16” border, then on black w/large white dot paper with a 1/8” border and use ultra tape to place on the board center.