To create the rose: Punch 12 red pear shapes and ten small red pear shapes. Shape, pinch and bend all of the Pear shapes (Tech. #1-3). Punch and cup 1 green Alpine Snowflake to create the flower base. (Tech. #4)
Starting with the large petals, glue 6 around the Alpine Snowflake base. Add a second layer of 6 petals, staggering them in between the other petals. Next, glue the small Pear petals, staggering them over the large ones working from the outside towards the center. Use the tweezers to tightly roll the last 2 small petals before adding to the center of the rose.
Punch 3 green leaves and shape, pinch and bend. Glue behind the rose. Punch 3 red rose buds using the Garden Petals punch.
To create the lily: Punch 6 large petals from tan and 3 from green. Apply Barn Red ink to the edges and center of each tan petal. Add black dots. Shape, pink and bend all of the petals (Tech. #1-3). Punch and cup 1 Crystal from green cardstock. (Technique #4)
Glue all 6 tan petals around the Crystal base. Glue the green leaves behind the petals. Punch and cup the Starburst from red cardstock. Color the tops black. Glue to the center of the flower.
Card: Place the card fold on the left. Cover the bottom 1/3 with red text paper and the top portion with sponged tan paper. Glue a length of black rick rack across the paper seam. Glue a length of red/black dot ribbon near the top. Tie a bow and glue to the left side of the ribbon.
Punch a black glimmer 3 1/2” circle and a tan/red music paper 3” circle. Layer the circles and glue to the card center. Glue the rose, lily and rose buds to the center of the circle. Glue and foam tape “Happy Birthday” tags under the rick rack at the bottom right.
Cardstocks: red, green and tan
Starting with the large petals, glue 6 around the Alpine Snowflake base. Add a second layer of 6 petals, staggering them in between the other petals. Next, glue the small Pear petals, staggering them over the large ones working from the outside towards the center. Use the tweezers to tightly roll the last 2 small petals before adding to the center of the rose.
Punch 3 green leaves and shape, pinch and bend. Glue behind the rose. Punch 3 red rose buds using the Garden Petals punch.
To create the lily: Punch 6 large petals from tan and 3 from green. Apply Barn Red ink to the edges and center of each tan petal. Add black dots. Shape, pink and bend all of the petals (Tech. #1-3). Punch and cup 1 Crystal from green cardstock. (Technique #4)
Glue all 6 tan petals around the Crystal base. Glue the green leaves behind the petals. Punch and cup the Starburst from red cardstock. Color the tops black. Glue to the center of the flower.
Card: Place the card fold on the left. Cover the bottom 1/3 with red text paper and the top portion with sponged tan paper. Glue a length of black rick rack across the paper seam. Glue a length of red/black dot ribbon near the top. Tie a bow and glue to the left side of the ribbon.
Punch a black glimmer 3 1/2” circle and a tan/red music paper 3” circle. Layer the circles and glue to the card center. Glue the rose, lily and rose buds to the center of the circle. Glue and foam tape “Happy Birthday” tags under the rick rack at the bottom right.
Cardstocks: red, green and tan