Place the card fold on the top and cover with red plaid, Home Grown paper. Place the Design Tool Kit #10 Olive 3 pattern even with the card top and trace the patterned bottom edge to the card front and cut out. Ink edges of 6 1/2"”x1 ¼” yellow floral paper strip brown and glue across the card, 1” from the top. Ink the card edges brown. Trace the Design Tool Kit label shape Peggy 3 onto white cardstock and cut out. Stamp the large bottom layer of the rose stamp onto scrap paper and cut out make bake a mask. Repeat for the small rose. Stamp 1 large red rose on the left side of the label shape, using light red for the base, medium and then dark red for the top detail images. Place the rose mask over the red rose and stamp the small rose image using yellow inks. Mask the yellow rose and stamp a large red rose on the right side of the label.
Continue to place the rose masks and stamp the leaves among the flowers. Stamp the small flower using the darkest shade of yellow and stamp the center detail with brown ink. Place tiny Brown Jewel Dazzles™ on the flower centers. Ink label edge brown and foam tape to the card front.
Continue to place the rose masks and stamp the leaves among the flowers. Stamp the small flower using the darkest shade of yellow and stamp the center detail with brown ink. Place tiny Brown Jewel Dazzles™ on the flower centers. Ink label edge brown and foam tape to the card front.