Place your card with the fold at the left and cover it with Christmas Wonder red/ivory/black floral corner border paper, with the striped border on the left side. Cover the right side of the card with Christmas Wonder green textured paper, even with the right edge of the striped border. Ink the card edges black.
Cut a 4 1/4"x6 1/2" double-sided adhesive and peel off one side of the backing. Place it on white cardstock and trim the edges evenly. Peel off the remaining backing from the adhesive. Place the wide lace centered down the center of the adhesive, being careful not to touch the adhesive (so to not get it dirty). Place the shiny side of the peeled backing onto the lace and press the lace firmly onto the adhesive.
Sprinkle black microfine glitter onto the lace and adhesive and burnish it into the adhesive with your fingers. Tap off the excess and repeat until no more glitter comes off. Carefully peel off the lace from the adhesive and set it aside. Sprinkle the exposed adhesive with red microfine glitter, burnish, and repeat as before. Glue the glitter/lace piece centered down the green paper on the card.
Decorate the glittered lace section with Christmas Wonder Scrapbooking Dazzles™. Back parts of the Dazzles™ ornaments with Christmas Wonder textured paper and trim the edges evenly. Place on the card as shown. Add red jewel Dazzles™. Use 3/4" wide yellow gold crepe ribbon to tie a bow and Zot™ on the card as shown.
Cut a 4 1/4"x6 1/2" double-sided adhesive and peel off one side of the backing. Place it on white cardstock and trim the edges evenly. Peel off the remaining backing from the adhesive. Place the wide lace centered down the center of the adhesive, being careful not to touch the adhesive (so to not get it dirty). Place the shiny side of the peeled backing onto the lace and press the lace firmly onto the adhesive.
Sprinkle black microfine glitter onto the lace and adhesive and burnish it into the adhesive with your fingers. Tap off the excess and repeat until no more glitter comes off. Carefully peel off the lace from the adhesive and set it aside. Sprinkle the exposed adhesive with red microfine glitter, burnish, and repeat as before. Glue the glitter/lace piece centered down the green paper on the card.
Decorate the glittered lace section with Christmas Wonder Scrapbooking Dazzles™. Back parts of the Dazzles™ ornaments with Christmas Wonder textured paper and trim the edges evenly. Place on the card as shown. Add red jewel Dazzles™. Use 3/4" wide yellow gold crepe ribbon to tie a bow and Zot™ on the card as shown.