Place your card with the fold at the left. Cover the card with green/brown foliage border paper. Cut 4 3/4"x6” dark pink flourishes paper and mat the top, left, and bottom on pale green cardstock with 1/16” borders. Glue it centered on the card, even with the right side.
Place the “GARDEN” portion of the sign post Dazzles™ on green/brown foliage border paper and trim the edges evenly. Back the center of the Dazzles™ gate with green/brown foliage border paper also. Place the sign post on the card, 1 1/4” from the fold. Place the gate even with the right side of the card as shown. Add birds and foliage Dazzles™ near the larger images as shown.
Trace the “Rectangular Label B" shape from the Tiny Tags & Little Labels template on dark pink flourishes paper, remove the template, and cut out the shape. Mat on pale green cardstock with 1/16” borders. Place “grow” Dazzles™ centered on the label and foam tape it centered on the gate. Zot™ a 1/4" wide green organdy bow on the post as shown.
Place the “GARDEN” portion of the sign post Dazzles™ on green/brown foliage border paper and trim the edges evenly. Back the center of the Dazzles™ gate with green/brown foliage border paper also. Place the sign post on the card, 1 1/4” from the fold. Place the gate even with the right side of the card as shown. Add birds and foliage Dazzles™ near the larger images as shown.
Trace the “Rectangular Label B" shape from the Tiny Tags & Little Labels template on dark pink flourishes paper, remove the template, and cut out the shape. Mat on pale green cardstock with 1/16” borders. Place “grow” Dazzles™ centered on the label and foam tape it centered on the gate. Zot™ a 1/4" wide green organdy bow on the post as shown.