Font: Place the card fold on the left. Tear the bottom edge of a 4 3/4” x 6 ” piece of tan script paper so that it measures 5 3/4” long. Mat with brown cardstock, leaving a1/8” border on 3 sides and a 1/2” torn border on the bottom. Glue to the card front. Trace a label onto cream patterned paper and mat with brown cardstock, leaving a 1/16” border. Glue to the card center and stamp a greeting near the bottom. Glue a 3/4” wide strip of striped paper across the center and trim even with the card edges. Glue the squirrel in basket cut out across the strip.
Inside: Tear a 1 1/4” wide strip of tan script paper and glue across the entire card bottom. Stamp the squirrel on the right side of the card, near the fold. Color the stomach with a GB8 pen and the body with TN7. Stamp the greeting on the left side of the card. Stamp the acorn bottom to the brown Honey Comb and the top to black. Cut out and glue to the fold according to the package instructions.
Stamp the squirrel in the basket and large acorn onto white cardstock. Color with Noir pens as follows: the basket and nut bottom GB7 the nut tops with EB8. Color the squirrel with TN7. Cut out each image.
Flower: Stamp the heart shape from the Fabulous Flower Stamps onto brown Honey Pop. Pull open and flatten as described in packaging instructions. Cut out a small 1 1/2” circle of double sided adhesive. Adhere the edge of the Honey Pop to the circle edge to corm a circular flower. Foam tape the large acorn to the center of the flower. Glue the flower to the top left corner of the card. Fold a 3” length of tan gingham ribbon in half and glue the fold under the right side of the flower.
Double Sided Adhesive Sheets
Inside: Tear a 1 1/4” wide strip of tan script paper and glue across the entire card bottom. Stamp the squirrel on the right side of the card, near the fold. Color the stomach with a GB8 pen and the body with TN7. Stamp the greeting on the left side of the card. Stamp the acorn bottom to the brown Honey Comb and the top to black. Cut out and glue to the fold according to the package instructions.
Stamp the squirrel in the basket and large acorn onto white cardstock. Color with Noir pens as follows: the basket and nut bottom GB7 the nut tops with EB8. Color the squirrel with TN7. Cut out each image.
Flower: Stamp the heart shape from the Fabulous Flower Stamps onto brown Honey Pop. Pull open and flatten as described in packaging instructions. Cut out a small 1 1/2” circle of double sided adhesive. Adhere the edge of the Honey Pop to the circle edge to corm a circular flower. Foam tape the large acorn to the center of the flower. Glue the flower to the top left corner of the card. Fold a 3” length of tan gingham ribbon in half and glue the fold under the right side of the flower.
Double Sided Adhesive Sheets