Journaling recipe: “Four words”—Use four words on tags to help describe what the person means to you.
Step #1 BACKGROUND: Both pages: Place the tan/brown/orange circles paper as the background.
Left page: Cut 7 1/4"x9” red tiles paper and ink edges brown. Cut 1/2"x9” green tiles paper and ink edges. Cut 1/4"x9” orange plaid paper and ink edges. Glue the orange piece on the green paper, 1/16” from the left side. Glue on the red tiles paper, 1/4” from the left side. Mat on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink edges. Glue on the background paper, 3/4" from the left side.
Right page: Cut 9”x8 1/4" red tiles paper and ink edges brown. Create a green tiles/orange plaid paper strip as you did for the left page. Glue on the red tiles paper 3/4" from the bottom edge. Mat on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink edges. Glue on the background paper 5/8” from the left and 1/2" from the top.
Step #2 PHOTOS: Left page: Mat two 6”x4” photos on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink the edges brown. Cut 7 1/2"x9 1/4" orange plaid paper and ink edges brown. Place the two photos together on the orange plaid paper, with 1/4" space on top and bottom edges, left side, and between the photos, and 1” space on the right side. Glue overlapping the red tiles paper on the background, 2” from the left side and 1 1/2" from the bottom.
Right page: Mat a 3 1/2"x5 1/4" photo on ivory cardstock and ink the edges brown. Place on the background, 1 1/4" from the left side and 5/8” from the bottom. Glue only the top edge in place for now. Mat a 3 1/4"x3 5/8” photo on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink the edges. Mat a 4 1/4"x3 1/4" photo on red tiles paper with 1/8” borders on top and sides, and a 1/4" border on the bottom. Ink the edges. Cut 9 1/4"x4 1/2" orange plaid paper and ink the edges. Glue first photo centered on the left side of the orange plaid paper. Glue second photo centered on the right side, with 5/8” space between the photos on the center. Glue to the background paper, 1 1/2" from the right side and 1” from the top.
Step #3 JOURNALING AND DIE-CUTS: Left page: Write or computer print journaling centered on ivory cardstock. Punch out the scalloped die-cut frame with green center. Remove the green center and set aside. Glue the frame centered over the journaling. Trim the edges leaving a 1/16” matted border. Glue on the page, 1/8” from the right side and 3 3/4" from the bottom. Write or computer print names and two words on ivory cardstock. Trim names to 2”x1/2”. Tear the right side and ink the straight edges brown. Foam tape on the page, 1” from the right side and 2 3/4" from the bottom. Trim close near words, leaving each wider than the wood tags. Ink edges brown and set aside.
Right page: Write or computer print journaling on ivory cardstock, trim to 2 3/4"x3 1/2" and ink the edges brown. Mat on orange plaid paper with 1/4" borders. Ink the edges and glue corners only on the page, 1” from the bottom and 3 1/2" from the right. Write or computer print journaling and date centered on the decorative orange/red frame. Glue to the page, 5/8” from the right side and 1 3/4" from the bottom. Write or print two words on ivory, trim and ink as for the left page. Font: Birch Std (left page journaling 19pt; names 22 pt. (right page journaling 20pt; words on die-cut 24 pt) words on tags for both pages 22 pt.
TECHNIQUE: DECORATED WOOD TAGS Left page: Cover a wood tag with red tiles paper and a second with green tiles paper, trimming edges evenly. Ink the edges brown and re-punch holes in the end with the punch or poke through the holes from front to back. Glue green ribbon across the red tag, 3/8” from the bottom. Tear the right edge of a word on ivory cardstock and glue on the left edge of the tag above the ribbon, trimming evenly. Thread a thin strip of green tiles paper through an orange button and Zot™ centered on the ribbon. Glue a 1/4" wide orange plaid to the green tag, 1/4” from the bottom. Glue a word above the orange plaid paper, trimming sides evenly. Tie the tags together with a 6” length of green ribbon, knotting the ends. Zot™ on the upper right corner of the orange plaid photo mat as shown.
Right page: Cover two tags with paper as for the left page, using red tiles paper and orange plaid paper. Glue or foam tape words to the tags as shown. Zot™ an orange button to the red tag near the word. Tie the tags together with green ribbon as for the left page. Zot™ centered on reserved green die-cut label. Glue centered on the page between the photos as shown.
TECHNIQUE: EMBELLISHING WITH BUTTONS AND TWILL Left page: Cut two 1 3/4"x1” orange plaid paper rectangles and ink the edges. Glue a 1 3/4" length of caramel twill centered on each. Glue even with the left side of the orange plaid photo mat, one piece 3 1/2" from the bottom and the other 2 1/4" from the top. Thread assorted buttons with thin strips of green tiles paper trimming ends at the back. Zot™ to the twill as shown. Thread a red button die-cut with green ribbon and foam tape to the left side of the names. Tie a 3” length of twill knotted at the center and Zot™ between the photos on the left side as shown.
Right page: Glue a 4 1/2" length of caramel twill to the right side of the orange plaid photo mat. Tie a knot in a 5” length of twill, 2” from the left. Wrap the bottom photo with the twill with the knot 1” from the left, gluing ends on the back. Zot™ assorted buttons to the twill pieces as shown.
Personal Shopper Scrapbooking August 2013 kit
Step #1 BACKGROUND: Both pages: Place the tan/brown/orange circles paper as the background.
Left page: Cut 7 1/4"x9” red tiles paper and ink edges brown. Cut 1/2"x9” green tiles paper and ink edges. Cut 1/4"x9” orange plaid paper and ink edges. Glue the orange piece on the green paper, 1/16” from the left side. Glue on the red tiles paper, 1/4” from the left side. Mat on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink edges. Glue on the background paper, 3/4" from the left side.
Right page: Cut 9”x8 1/4" red tiles paper and ink edges brown. Create a green tiles/orange plaid paper strip as you did for the left page. Glue on the red tiles paper 3/4" from the bottom edge. Mat on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink edges. Glue on the background paper 5/8” from the left and 1/2" from the top.
Step #2 PHOTOS: Left page: Mat two 6”x4” photos on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink the edges brown. Cut 7 1/2"x9 1/4" orange plaid paper and ink edges brown. Place the two photos together on the orange plaid paper, with 1/4" space on top and bottom edges, left side, and between the photos, and 1” space on the right side. Glue overlapping the red tiles paper on the background, 2” from the left side and 1 1/2" from the bottom.
Right page: Mat a 3 1/2"x5 1/4" photo on ivory cardstock and ink the edges brown. Place on the background, 1 1/4" from the left side and 5/8” from the bottom. Glue only the top edge in place for now. Mat a 3 1/4"x3 5/8” photo on ivory cardstock with 1/16” borders and ink the edges. Mat a 4 1/4"x3 1/4" photo on red tiles paper with 1/8” borders on top and sides, and a 1/4" border on the bottom. Ink the edges. Cut 9 1/4"x4 1/2" orange plaid paper and ink the edges. Glue first photo centered on the left side of the orange plaid paper. Glue second photo centered on the right side, with 5/8” space between the photos on the center. Glue to the background paper, 1 1/2" from the right side and 1” from the top.
Step #3 JOURNALING AND DIE-CUTS: Left page: Write or computer print journaling centered on ivory cardstock. Punch out the scalloped die-cut frame with green center. Remove the green center and set aside. Glue the frame centered over the journaling. Trim the edges leaving a 1/16” matted border. Glue on the page, 1/8” from the right side and 3 3/4" from the bottom. Write or computer print names and two words on ivory cardstock. Trim names to 2”x1/2”. Tear the right side and ink the straight edges brown. Foam tape on the page, 1” from the right side and 2 3/4" from the bottom. Trim close near words, leaving each wider than the wood tags. Ink edges brown and set aside.
Right page: Write or computer print journaling on ivory cardstock, trim to 2 3/4"x3 1/2" and ink the edges brown. Mat on orange plaid paper with 1/4" borders. Ink the edges and glue corners only on the page, 1” from the bottom and 3 1/2" from the right. Write or computer print journaling and date centered on the decorative orange/red frame. Glue to the page, 5/8” from the right side and 1 3/4" from the bottom. Write or print two words on ivory, trim and ink as for the left page. Font: Birch Std (left page journaling 19pt; names 22 pt. (right page journaling 20pt; words on die-cut 24 pt) words on tags for both pages 22 pt.
TECHNIQUE: DECORATED WOOD TAGS Left page: Cover a wood tag with red tiles paper and a second with green tiles paper, trimming edges evenly. Ink the edges brown and re-punch holes in the end with the punch or poke through the holes from front to back. Glue green ribbon across the red tag, 3/8” from the bottom. Tear the right edge of a word on ivory cardstock and glue on the left edge of the tag above the ribbon, trimming evenly. Thread a thin strip of green tiles paper through an orange button and Zot™ centered on the ribbon. Glue a 1/4" wide orange plaid to the green tag, 1/4” from the bottom. Glue a word above the orange plaid paper, trimming sides evenly. Tie the tags together with a 6” length of green ribbon, knotting the ends. Zot™ on the upper right corner of the orange plaid photo mat as shown.
Right page: Cover two tags with paper as for the left page, using red tiles paper and orange plaid paper. Glue or foam tape words to the tags as shown. Zot™ an orange button to the red tag near the word. Tie the tags together with green ribbon as for the left page. Zot™ centered on reserved green die-cut label. Glue centered on the page between the photos as shown.
TECHNIQUE: EMBELLISHING WITH BUTTONS AND TWILL Left page: Cut two 1 3/4"x1” orange plaid paper rectangles and ink the edges. Glue a 1 3/4" length of caramel twill centered on each. Glue even with the left side of the orange plaid photo mat, one piece 3 1/2" from the bottom and the other 2 1/4" from the top. Thread assorted buttons with thin strips of green tiles paper trimming ends at the back. Zot™ to the twill as shown. Thread a red button die-cut with green ribbon and foam tape to the left side of the names. Tie a 3” length of twill knotted at the center and Zot™ between the photos on the left side as shown.
Right page: Glue a 4 1/2" length of caramel twill to the right side of the orange plaid photo mat. Tie a knot in a 5” length of twill, 2” from the left. Wrap the bottom photo with the twill with the knot 1” from the left, gluing ends on the back. Zot™ assorted buttons to the twill pieces as shown.
Personal Shopper Scrapbooking August 2013 kit