Open the Butterfly Swirls die and place the large round pendant on the section with the raised large butterfly, slightly toward the right side of the butterfly. Close the die and run it through the Epic in between the embossing platform and cutting mat.
Remove the pendant. Squeeze a little bit of the quartz and a little of the marine Patina Inks onto your craft sheet or palette. Dip your brush into the marine and dab it gently all over the front of the pendant. Rinse your brush and add some quartz for a touch of pink. Let dry. Turn over and paint the back the same and let dry. After drying, sand only the back until the raised areas shine through.
Run the small round pendant through the same die, in the center of the smaller butterfly. Paint with quartz and let dry. Repeat painting on the other side and let dry. Sand the back only so that the metal shines through.
Paint a thin coat of 3-D Crystal Lacquer on the backs of both of the pendants and let dry. This will prevent the exposed polished brass from tarnishing.
Use the Crop-A-Dile to punch a 1/8” hole in the bottom of the pendant (opposite the existing hole). Open a jump ring with pliers, place the satin cord in the jump ring, and close the ring. Add another jump ring to the existing ring. Open a third jump ring, add it to the second, and add the large round pendant before closing.
Open another jump ring and place it through the bottom hole. Add the small round pendant and close the ring.
Flat paintbrush
Water in a cup
Remove the pendant. Squeeze a little bit of the quartz and a little of the marine Patina Inks onto your craft sheet or palette. Dip your brush into the marine and dab it gently all over the front of the pendant. Rinse your brush and add some quartz for a touch of pink. Let dry. Turn over and paint the back the same and let dry. After drying, sand only the back until the raised areas shine through.
Run the small round pendant through the same die, in the center of the smaller butterfly. Paint with quartz and let dry. Repeat painting on the other side and let dry. Sand the back only so that the metal shines through.
Paint a thin coat of 3-D Crystal Lacquer on the backs of both of the pendants and let dry. This will prevent the exposed polished brass from tarnishing.
Use the Crop-A-Dile to punch a 1/8” hole in the bottom of the pendant (opposite the existing hole). Open a jump ring with pliers, place the satin cord in the jump ring, and close the ring. Add another jump ring to the existing ring. Open a third jump ring, add it to the second, and add the large round pendant before closing.
Open another jump ring and place it through the bottom hole. Add the small round pendant and close the ring.
Flat paintbrush
Water in a cup