Glue 4 ¾”x6 3/8” red Little Things paper to the card front leaving a 1/16" white border. Glue 4 ¾”x3” gray Little Things in the center. Place blue Border Dazzles™️ stickers along the top and bottom edges then more over the edges of the gray paper. Glue #1 Robin’s Whimsey as shown and use foam tape to place gray numbered images #2-#5 over the matching art. Glue the Extra Artwork on the right. Position “Smile” red Script Greeting Dazzles™ stickers as shown. Also place Red Heart Dazzles™ stickers as shown.
Inside: Mat 5”x3” gray Little Things on red leaving 1/8” top and bottom borders. Glue in the center of the card. Glue blue #3 heart in the center. Position “I love you” Greeting Dazzles™ stickers over the center with a Red Heart as shown.